Oak Harvest Financial’s Great Day Houston Debut!

Check out Oak Harvest Financial Group’s Stephen Watts featured on Great Day Houston as the Retirement-Phase Expert! If you missed it, here’s a run down of the interview!

Deborah: Good Morning! Today we are here with Stephen Watts, host of the popular radio show “Retirement Rescue” and author of Retirement Rescue: The Book. He is the CEO & Co-founder of Oak Harvest. Steve is here today to talk to us about a few of the safe strategies that Oak Harvest clients have experienced.

Steve: Thank you Deborah, it’s a pleasure to be here.

Deborah: Steve, you have been a retirement phase expert for almost 2 decades. Describe the profile of a typical Oak Harvest client.

Steve:  Our clients are either approaching or already enjoying retirement so they are tired of losing their hard earned money to stock market losses. They tired of the queasy feeling in the pit of their stomach as their portfolio rides that roller coaster. Others are tired of low interest rates, so low that they have the risk of erosion.

Deborah: I know that many of our viewers are at home thinking “that’s me, that’s how I feel, stuck on the stock market rollercoaster!” How are you able to provide peace of mind to clients at Oak Harvest?

Steve:  It starts with an education. Our firm is thoroughly educated in the safe strategies and alternatives of the retirement phase. After diagnosing our client’s financial symptoms and determining their unique set of circumstances, we are then able to share the appropriate safe strategies with them.

Deborah:  Safety! Now THAT makes sense for people in retirement! For retirees already working with a financial advisor, why hasn’t their advisor educated them about these safe options?

Steve:  Great question Deborah! While we are experts in the retirement phase, more than 95% of all advisors are only familiar with the accumulation phase. They are not educated in these safe alternatives and quite often don’t even have them on their limited menus. Worst yet, they have a vested interest in keeping their clients on that stock market roller coaster ride.

Deborah: Ok, now that makes sense too! So, how DO retirees get educated on these options?


  • Complimentary appointment with a Retirement Specialist at Oak Harvest
  • Tune into the Retirement Rescue Show on Saturdays
  • Read “Retirement Rescue, The Book”

Deborah: Great! What can listeners or readers expect to learn from Oak Harvest?

Steve: We can teach them:

  • How to have a tax-free income that they will not outlive.
  • How to safely grow their accounts without market risk
  • How to have LTC protection w/out annual premiums
  • About CD’s that average over 4% annually
  • How to maximize your Social Security Benefits
  • How they can double the value of their income accounts in as little as 8 years

About oakharvestfg

Oak Harvest Financial Group strives to provide comprehensive solutions to the challenges individuals and businesses face. Through education, we are able to show our clients a better way to protect, grow and guarantee their future in this “New Normal” economy. The antiquated concepts of buy, hold and hope are no longer appropriate for someone in or approaching retirement. It’s simply too risky in today’s age of investment banking, hedge funds and the perpetual global financial crisis!
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