
Our Unique Approach

Your Educational Process

Once you decide to embark along the path of financial, educational and personal enlightenment, one of our retirement-phase expert advisors will guide you step by step through our process.  We, at Oak Harvest, believe the American retiree is tired of being pressured and sold products they don’t want or can’t understand.  Because of this, we fundamentally base our process around education and enlightenment.
You will be educated about the safety of the industry that is designed for protection.  You will be exposed to little-known financial contracts that provide protection and guarantees to your principal while providing excellent opportunities for growth.  Growth that has and can bring double-digit returns.

Post Educational Process

We know that if educated about the benefits and the downsides of these financial contracts, the American retiree will happily include these vehicles in their retirement portfolio.  Who wouldn’t want safety and protection of their principal as their fundamental element without giving up the opportunity to outpace inflation and have average returns in the 4%-8% range?
Because of the pervasive vested interest within the  financial industry and the lack of on-going training of the available retirement-phase vehicles, the American retiree is too often left bearing all the risk in a financial system that is inherently corrupt and stacked against them. Oak Harvest Financial Group is on the modern frontier of retirement planning and we are revolutionizing the industry in rapid fashion.
Come join us on our mission to transform a financial industry that is fundamentally flawed.  You will be thoroughly educated, enlightened and exposed to financial vehicles and safe strategies your broker, advisor and banker hope you don’t ever discover!

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